Saturday, August 18, 2007

One Shots - The articles

Life is Crap Dio is Dead, And That's NOT ALL!
Death of Oprah
The Top Ten Reasons I'd Rather Live in Galactica
Upcoming Changes to TSA Regulations
Dolphins and Pumpkins and Halo, Oh My!
Reflections on a Summer of Nerd
Dear Distraught Michael Jackson Fans
The Top Five Ways I Plan To Kill Susan Boyle
Hipsters Must Be Destroyed
I Might Be Queer
Happy holidays from the International Space Station
My Primer for Young People
Questions About the Holodeck
Dear George (Lucas)
Enough with the _______ Already
I Just Don't Get It
The Forthcoming Writers Strike Fallout
I Went to Disneyland
Governor Silver's Ten Point Plan
Comic Con 2007: The Recap
Top Five Reasons You Shouldn't Get A Tattoo
The Articles That Never Were
Playboy Is Boring; Porn Is Good
Things I've Learned and/or Know About Video Games
Smurf Heil: An Expose
The Verdict Is In: Lost Blows
Trading Stuff Rules
Your Kids Will Kill Us All
A Children's Story
You Will Never, Ever Escape CSI, You Fools!
VH1 Is Not The Authority on Heavy Metal That I Thought It Was
Yes, If You Play World of Warcraft,You Are A Total Nerd
My Comic Buyer's Guide
The ID and the IQ, A.K.A. - I Took About Ten IQ Tests and Wrote This
Instructions For My Funeral
Site Bio
Purgatory's Restaurant Scene
Your Car Sucks
Lindsey Jacobellis F'd Up
Morgan Freeman Is Better Than You
On Death
Neocon Or Not: You Be The Judge, Part 1
Neocon Or Not: You Be The Judge, Part 2
If You Don't Dig The NewBattlestar Galactica, You Are Likely A Virgin And Will Always Be One
An Outpouring of Opinion about the Great Outdoors
McCarthyism Is Just Fine If You Said Nasty Words
Kill The Goth Kids Before They Kill Us All
My Thoughts on Jesus
Guess What? I Found God...Kinda
No American History For Us, Thanks
Halloween Needs to Die
Has Been Abolished
There's No Easy Way To Say This
The Comic Horror Page
The Infamous Home Surgery Page
My First Angry Vacation Rant

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